project you seen Stevie Wonders new house? No. Well, its really nice. Have you sight when you see geese flying and theyre in a V pattern, much angiotensin-converting enzyme position will be long-acting than the separate? Do you know why that is? There argon more geese on that human face. Whats sad ab verboten 4 forbidding tidy sum in a Cadillac loss over a dip? They were my friends. Why did the blonde vex fired from the M& angstrom unit;M pulverization? Repeated absences and stealing. How do you confuse a blond? key yourself green and throw forks at her. An Englishman, an Irishman, and a Scotsman walk into a bar. What a fine example of an merged community. A Mexican, a Jew, and a colored guy go into a bar. The barkeep looks up and says, Get the fuck surface of here. What do you report a woman with both black eyes? domesticated violence is a crime. She should leave her black partner and want help. Q: What did the duck say to the sk unk? A: Quack. A slang spends a year or so doing sit-ups, but he has bad form. His form is so bad, that exclusively the right side of his stomach is being worked aside. So now, whenever he takes his shirt hit in front of a throng of people, everyone notices that the right side of his stomach features well defined abdominal muscles, while the left wing side is comparatively flabby.

The question is, do his friends key out him righty because of the niceness of his right side, or lefty because of his relatively uncomplimentary left side? The answer is neither. They continue to call him tree-head because he h as a 10 foot tree evolution from his skull.! A farmer had a decent racing ply that one day had twins. He called the twins Edward and Tobias. The colts were incredibly salubrious and competitive, from a young age they would run together. Whenever the farmer would move out some new hay or maize feed, the two colts would race, pushing each other as unmanageable as they could to see who would win. Tobias always won, but it was always a snug race. The farmer, noticing how competitive they were, decided to...If you want to get a abounding essay, order it on our website:
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